Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Preparing Hearts Unit 1

Ellie is doing a great job in 3rd grade! Her first History Project was a shield of faith. We researched what a coat of arms is and she made symbols of faith and colored them on the coat of arms to make a shield.
We have been learning about the ice age and learning Psalm 1 and poems from Robert Louis Stevenson. Each day we draw something or she writes a paragraph about what we are studying. We have drawn many animals, Noah's Ark and the Tower of Babel. She learns 3 new vocabulary words a week from her reading. She writes the definition, a sentence and draws a picture. Then, she files them in alphabetical order.

Ellie's work has always been project and mastery based which means she has to write about what she is learning or do a project to show what she has learned. In subjects such as math and english, we do the problem or question until she gets it right and understands it. Most of her subjects are still like that and daily work in math and english is still mastery based but this year we started grading Ellie's math and english tests. She has gotten all A's!!

Each week Ellie does a Science Notebook entry. We have been reading about the animals and plants on the Arctic Tundra. This week Ellie had to draw, color and label a mammal, bird, fish, amphibian, (vertebrates), and an invertebrate, protist, menora, and plant.

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